Average Education Level of the Senate and House of Representatives

House Republicans and Democrats Represent Divergent Americas

An Atlantic analysis finds that congressional districts' racial makeup, and their residents' level of education, largely determines which political party represents them in the Firm.

House members are sworn in on January 3, the starting time day of the new Congress. ( Jonathan Ernst / Reuters )

Beyond lines of race, educational activity, age, and geography, Democrats and Republicans in the House of Representatives increasingly represent ii distinct nations, with strikingly little crossover.

An Atlantic assay of the latest census data shows that the House districts represented by the 2 parties overwhelmingly track the aforementioned demographic and economic fissures that guided the violent presidential race between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. This widening chasm betwixt the 2 sides volition shape both the legislative debate over the coming two years and the next competition for control of the House in the 2022 midterm elections.

Mirror Images

In many ways, through their House delegations, the 2 parties now represent mirror-image Americas. Amid the key distinctions:

Over four-fifths of House Republicans represent districts where the white share of the population exceeds the national boilerplate; over two-thirds of House Democrats represent districts where the not-white share of the population exceeds the national average.

Nearly 3-fourths of House Republicans represent districts where the share of white adults with a college degree lags below the national average; nearly two-thirds of House Democrats correspond districts where the share of whites with a college caste exceeds the national average.

Near iii-fifths of House Republicans stand for districts where the median age is older than the national average; almost exactly the aforementioned proportion of Democrats stand for districts where the median age is lower than the national boilerplate.

Likewise, nigh exactly three-fifths of Republicans represent districts with more seniors than the national average, while fully 2-thirds of Democrats hold districts with a smaller-than-boilerplate share of seniors.

The contrast extends to less obvious comparisons, too. Almost 54 per centum of Business firm Republicans stand for districts with a college-than-boilerplate share of adults (defined as age 16 and older) employed in manufacturing; almost two-thirds of Democrats stand for districts with smaller-than-average manufacturing employment. And in a measure out of urban density, most two-fifths of House Democrats stand for districts where more people than average employ public transportation to go to work; fully 97 percentage of House Republicans hold districts where fewer people than average utilize public transportation to commute.

It's maybe even more revealing to examine how many seats each party controls amidst the total number of districts above and below the national average on these cardinal measures. Seen from that angle, Republicans at present command three-fourths of all the Business firm districts where whites exceed their share of the national population, while Democrats hold three-fourths of the districts where minorities exceed their national population share. Republicans hold but over lxx percent of the districts where there are fewer white college graduates than average, while Democrats hold almost 66 percent of the districts with a greater-than-average proportion of white college graduates.

The structural problem for Democrats is that, because of both partisan gerrymandering and the way the population is distributed, in that location are significantly more districts in the categories the Republicans boss than in the ones that favor Democrats. Most important, whites exceed their share of the national population in 259 seats, and Republicans agree fully 196 of those—which puts them on the brink of a congressional majority fifty-fifty before they begin to compete for the more various seats. And in that location are 244 districts where the white share of college graduates lags the national average, and Republicans hold 176 of those. (Virtually of them overlap with the districts where the number of minorities is too fewer than average.)

"It is very hard to argue that in that location isn't a structural Republican advantage in the Firm, that the sorting of voters along lines of urban versus rural, educated versus non-educated hasn't netted out favorably for Republicans, given the concentration of Autonomous voters in a relative handful of districts," said Patrick Ruffini, a GOP consultant who specializes in demographic trends.

Overall, Republicans concord 241 House seats and Democrats 194 in the new Congress, meaning Democrats must recapture 24 seats to regain the majority.

Similar the stark divisions in the presidential race, these patterns underscore the shifting course and racial basis of each party'due south electoral base. From the presidency through lower-election races, Republicans rely on a preponderantly white coalition that is strongest amongst whites without a higher caste and those living exterior of major metropolitan areas. Democrats depend on a heavily urbanized (and often mail-industrial) upstairs-downstairs coalition of minorities, many of them clustered in lower-income inner-city districts. They also rely on more affluent college-educated whites both in cities and inner suburbs.

Tellingly, the analysis plant, Democrats hold 30 of the l House districts with the highest median income—and 32 of the l with the lowest median income. Only Republicans trounce them by 203 to 132 in the districts in betwixt those two poles.

In many respects, Trump's victory over Hillary Clinton merely raised to the presidential level the currents of race, didactics, income, and density that have shaped the Business firm competition in recent years. Trump'due south victory largely ran through the same smaller places that congressional Republicans earlier captured in the march to their House majority—while Clinton performed best in the major metropolitan areas that likely correspond the Democrats' best chance of overturning that majority in 2022 or across.

"What we saw in 2012 and 2022 with the demographic realities in congressional districts around the country is now manifesting itself through the Electoral Higher as well," said Jesse Ferguson, a top communications strategist for Clinton's campaign, who previously held the same role for the Autonomous Congressional Campaign Committee. "Democrats still have a popular-vote advantage in this land, only when you classify political strength by whatsoever measure of geography—and not census—information technology is not advantageous to Democrats. That started … in the House, and via the Electoral College information technology was truthful in 2022 [in the presidential race]."

The Four Quadrants

To sympathise the impact of demography on the House, The Atlantic examined congressional commune-level data from the Demography Bureau'southward 2022 American Customs Survey. (The ACS information for 2022 does not take into account the recent court-ordered redistricting in North Carolina, Florida, and Virginia, so there may exist some variation from the numbers reported here in the revised districts in those states.)

The contrast between the two parties' demographic bases becomes most apparent past segmenting House districts based on two factors: whether the share of their non-white population exceeds or trails the national average of 38.v pct, and whether the share of their white population with at least a four-year college degree exceeds or trails the national average of 34.2 per centum. The numbers reflect the results for each commune'southward unabridged population. The analysis focused on the education level among whites, and not the entire population, because education is a more significant dividing line in the political beliefs of whites than of minorities.

Every bit nosotros've written earlier, sorting congressional districts past the 2 variables of race and educational activity produces what nosotros phone call the 4 quadrants of Congress: districts with high levels of racial diversity and high levels of white education (what we telephone call "hullo-hi" districts), districts with high levels of racial variety and low levels of white education ("hi-lo districts"), districts with depression levels of diversity and high levels of white education ("lo-hi districts"), and districts with low levels of multifariousness and low levels of white education ("lo-lo districts").

How-do-you-do-Hello Districts

The center of the modern Democratic House conclave is the hi-hi districts that exceed the national boilerplate in both share of racial minorities and share of white college graduates: Democrats hold fully 87 of the 108 districts that fit that description. That list divides betwixt minority Democrats in districts with large non-white populations—such as Georgia's John Lewis, Texas's Joaquin Castro, and Illinois'due south Bobby Blitz—and primarily white members representing diverse but more affluent districts, such as Nancy Pelosi and Anna Eshoo of California, Diana DeGette of Colorado, and Jim Himes of Connecticut.

Hello-Lo Districts

Democrats too concur a less lopsided 44-to-24-seat reward in districts that are high in racial multifariousness but are below the national boilerplate in white higher graduates. That roster tilts heavily toward minority Democrats, such every bit Linda Sanchez and Lucille Roybal-Allard in California, José Serrano in New York, and Raúl Grijalva in Arizona. Only information technology also includes some white representatives from various but middle- and working-class areas, like Dina Titus in Nevada.

Lo-Hi Districts

In turn, Republicans hold a decisive lead in districts where whites exceed their presence in the national population. The GOP leads by a narrow 44 to 39 margin in the lo-hi districts, where there are relatively fewer minorities but more than white college graduates than the national average. This is the most closely contested quadrant. On the Republican side, it includes members representing affluent suburbs, such as Patrick Meehan in Pennsylvania, Kevin Yoder in Kansas, and Barbara Comstock in Virginia. The more often than not white Democrats in this lo-howdy group tend to represent urban centers or inner suburbs, too, such every bit John Yarmuth of Kentucky, Earl Blumenauer of Oregon, and Jared Polis of Colorado.

Lo-Lo Districts

The foundation of the GOP majority is the lo-lo districts, where the shares of minorities and whites with a college degree both trail the national average. In those districts with large populations of blue-collar whites, Republicans at present hold a lead that is so lopsided as to be almost incomprehensible: They control 152 of these seats, compared with only 24 for Democrats. This quadrant houses almost all of the Republicans representing rural places—such as Kentucky's Hal Rogers, Missouri's Jason Smith, and Iowa's Steve King—as well as the GOP'due south growing contingent of members representing smaller metro areas, such as Bill Shuster of Pennsylvania and Jim Jordan of Ohio. It'due south also the last redoubt for the few Democrats remaining in heavily rural districts, such every bit Minnesota's Collin Peterson, or those representing largely blue-collar smaller cities, such as Ohio's Marcy Kaptur and Tim Ryan or Pennsylvania's Martin Cartwright.

Just as large margins in those rural and small-boondocks communities powered Trump's victory, then, as well, have the gains there keyed the Republican House takeover. Compared with the 111th Congress from early 2009 to early 2011—when Democrats last controlled the bulk—the Democratic Party has actually widened its reward in the districts high in both diversity and higher-educated whites (from 50 seats and so to 66 at present). Since so, Democrats have lost footing modestly in the high-diverseness districts with fewer-than-average white college graduates (from a 28-seat advantage to a 20-seat border now). The political party has also skidded somewhat more sharply in the districts with depression multifariousness and large numbers of college-educated whites (from an advantage of 19 seats then to a arrears of five now).

The large alter, though, has come in the heavily bluish-neckband, lo-lo districts. Dorsum in 2009, when the Democratic caucus still featured a big number of rural, culturally conservative "bluish dogs"—like John Tanner of Tennessee, Ike Skelton of Missouri, and John Spratt of South Carolina—Republicans held a modest 20-seat reward in these districts. After the 2010 election, the GOP exploded their lead in the low-multifariousness, depression-education districts to ninety seats. The gap widened again to 125 seats in 2014, and edged up to 128 after 2016. The Republican success in hunting the blue dogs nearly to extinction presaged the big margins Trump marshaled from pocket-sized places, particularly in interior states, to overcome Clinton's advantages in the largest urban centers.

"If you lot look at where the Clinton drop-off was, it's consistent with where Business firm Democrats have been having more than problems as nosotros go through that Midwestern belt, on through Missouri and Iowa, and dorsum through Western Pennsylvania," said Tom Bonier, primary executive officer of TargetSmart, a Democratic voter-targeting firm.

As these lines of form, race, and density harden, the parties' House electoral strategies increasingly focus on the stragglers left, in upshot, behind enemy lines. The few Democrats remaining in low-multifariousness, lower-educational activity districts frequently superlative the Republican target lists, while Democrats already planning for 2022 are attentively focused on Republicans holding white-collar, largely suburban districts.

The historically sharp divisions surrounding Trump—who drew near-record back up from blue-collar whites, but faced intense opposition from minorities and unusually widespread resistance from white-collar whites—appear certain to push each party further in targeting those opportunities. "Past no ways," Ruffini said, in a view echoed across party lines, "are nosotros finished with this process." And that means the powerful balloter sorting that has left the ii sides representing such divergent Americas in the Firm may only advance every bit the tumultuous Trump presidency takes shape.


Source: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/01/house-republicans-racial-education-level/514733/

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